Cyber Deception

As they report here the NCSC is inviting UK organisations to contribute evidence of ‘Cyber Deception‘ use cases and efficacy to support their long-term research goals.

Cyber deception is a proactive cybersecurity strategy that involves deliberately planting false information to deceive adversaries and protect critical assets.

By creating deceptive elements within an organization’s network, cybersecurity professionals can mislead attackers, gather intelligence, and enhance overall security posture. There are various techniques used in cyber deception, including:

  • Honeypots: Fake systems or services designed to attract attackers and divert their attention.
  • Deceptive Files: Planting files with enticing names to lure attackers into revealing their presence.
  • Misleading Information: Disseminating false data to mislead adversaries about network configurations or user activities.
  • Decoy Networks: Creating entire fake networks to confuse and delay attackers.

Key risks and vendor capabilities include:

Vendor capabilities include:

  • Lupovis: Lupovis defends your infrastructure from rogue employees, attackers or malware by deploying high-fidelity decoy within your infrastructure for high-alert fidelity and outside your infrastructure for 24/7 actionable threat intelligence.
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