Category: Security Assessment

A Security Assessment conducts an audit of your cyber security practices and technologies using techniques like Penetration Testing, and produces a report identifying weaknesses and recommending remediation actions.

Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Simple Cyber
SimpleCyber want to cut through all the jargon to help you to develop cyber resilience for your business and give you the confidence to go forward with your business in this digital era. An […]
Evolve North
Evolve North is a specialist consultancy with subject matter expertise founded in Governance, Risk, and Compliance as well as IT Security and Assurance. Evolve North works across a wide ran […]
Cyber Vigilance
Cyber Vigilance is a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) based in Guildford, Surrey. They partner with best of breed security vendors, enabling their team of cyber security experts to […]
Quorum Cyber
Quorum Cyber was founded in 2016 to help organisations in every sector defend themselves in an increasingly unpredictable and hostile digital landscape. Quorum are global cyber security spe […]
Obrela Security Industries is a global provider of cyber security services. Founded in 2010, Obrela delivers Real Time Cyber Risk Management combining Threat Detection and Response (MDR) wi […]
Bullet Proof
Bulletproof is a trusted provider of innovative cyber security and people-powered solutions. With their own in-house UK Security Operations Centre (SOC) and years of industry experience, th […]
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